Its for casual play. mega audino has wish support to help keep your wallbreakers healthy with some pretty good bulk. actually alot of trick room teams that ive fought had M mawile plus before it mega it has intimidate and intimidate is one of the best abilitys. also it doesnt depend on its mega thats why i put it on bad the regular form is BETTER then its mega what do you not get?? having a ability isnt a strategy and skill link is GARBAGE its only suited for cloyster since everything else does jackfrick with skill link
Atleast mawile has intimidate support slow speed and a quad weak typing to flying is NOT a ideal mega along with its dual typing it carrys some very popular weaknesses like psychic and flying especially when alot of those types of pokemon are in popular like dragonite
But out of all the Gen 5 Pokémon to give a Mega Evolution to, why Audino?! And there are so many Megas that outclass Mega Audino in so many ways, why would you choose to use this piece of garbage? And you’re underestimating how good Skill Link is for Heracross. It makes Pin Missile hit 5 times, which combined with its 185 Attack, you’ve got a pretty great attacker. And besides, Mawile’s stats are so garbage that it might even get one shot by even a not very effective hit. And speaking of Pokémon with Skill Link, Cloyster has a terrible defensive typing anyways. The only resistances it has are to its own typing and that’s it. That’s honestly one of the reasons why I don’t like Cloyster. It has the worst typing in the game, which is Ice, that truly hurts its viability. It doesn’t matter if it had Skill Link or not, it’s garbage Special Defense is also what hurts it.
As someone who has never experienced Mega Evolution competitive gameplay, I'll just say they all have their own level of cool 😎😎😎
Mega horn scarf is better then pin mawile is still good intimidate utility audino is underrated and needed a bit of recognition and love clearly that mega didnt do anything because people like you who hate on mega audino exists also stop ignoring the 75 speed that cannot get boosted atleast with mega garchomp it has scaleshot it has NOTHING to up its speed cloyster is a better skill link user also s a s h s h e l l s m a s h exists
Honestly why are you making a huge fuse about this its my opinion i dont care if you like something i dont you dont have to complain it to me.
Stop complaining, just because you hate something doesn't mean others can't like it
@Deatharrow11 True, but at the same time, PRIORITY MOVES EXIST! And plus, what I said was true. Mega Audino is complete garbage and it, as well as Mega Salamence and Garchomp don’t even need to exist. I also have a right to express my opinions, so you can’t tell me that I’m unable to do so. Just respect them is all I’m asking. I mean, if you all wanna be crybabies about it, then fine. It ain’t my problem. 😎I was trying to offer an explanation as to how I felt, but you didn’t listen, so it’s your own fault. Oh and one more thing, Mega Garchomp isn’t in Sword and Shield, so it can’t get Scale Shot. I don’t know if it was a mistake, but it’s just a basic fact, that’s all.
@No usename says the one that got offended just by something that you disagree with, man you are that one crybaby
Also i made this tierlist based on showdown
What do you think?