Wonder what is like if Gary, Paul, Trip, Alain, and Gladion come together in a event or tournament, and wonder if it’s possible in Journeys.
Wonder what is like if Gary, Paul, Trip, Alain, and Gladion come together in a event or tournament, and wonder if it’s possible in Journeys.
I think Alain would win since he lost once in the anime while the others lost more
Ash's old rival Gary Oak maybe cocky from the very beginning of Pokemon Series when he first started out as a Pokemon trainer but at least he had achieved something on his journey which Ash has always failed to do and that's catching more Pokémon, train them and evolved them. Plus Gary did keep swapping his Pokemon more unlike Ash who refuse to swapped his Pokemon except on his Unova Journey. I know that Gary Oak's cheerleaders that followed him around everywhere he went in the original Pokemon Series until after Gary lost the Kanto Pokemon League that they suddenly disappear in the series until they all appear again in the Johto League were Gary face his rival Ash in the Quarter finals. But what has happened to the Cheerleaders after Gary lost to Ash since they're not seen again?
I wouldn't be suprise if Ash's old rival Trip competing in the World Coronation Series. Plus it would make up for we never got to see Ash and Trip never gotten an chance to battle in the Quarter or Semi Final with full Six Pokemon Battle. Because I would like to see the rest of Trip's Pokemon fully evolved just like his Serperior and Conkeldurr .
It would be great to se Alian again because he and Ash will promise to battle each other again someday, plus I'm curious to know if he found his own Keystone and Mega stone and more importantly which of his Pokemon will mega evolved either Charizard, Tyranitar or Metagross?
I think that Gladion should have won the Alola League and become champion instead of Ash but he's more calm and focus in the battle as well as being patient, while Ash is alway too excited and impatient when he really wanted to have a Pokemon battle and he never think things through like Gladion.
Paul and Alain might be in the World Coronation Series, but don’t know where they rank yet.
What do you think?