Members are free to share their questions, suggestions, and report rule-breaking posts/comments in this post.
Members can also suggest new rules, which will be discussed later within the Community Administrative Council.
Note that this post only handles issues and queries on the discussion side of the wiki. For questions and reports about editing, please see the Content Development Council post, here.
1. Please follow all the community guidelines.
2. Complaints and rants about staff or their decisions are not allowed and comments related to them will be removed. Please contact the staff first about their actions and if the answer is not appropriate, you can take them to the Administrators.
3. Reported content can only be responded to by the staff. Any third-party involvement will not be tolerated. If a user is involved in the context of the reported thread and wants to convey their message to the mods, @mention the moderator on the respective post itself and it will be duly dealt with. Do not clog this post unnecessarily
4. If you wish to start a contest, competition, or roleplay of any sort, please place a request on this post beforehand. Your contest must be approved by a moderator or administrator for you to begin it or make a sign-up post regarding it. Those found to have started any of the above without permission from the Pokémon Center post first are susceptible to being reported on this post or getting their post deleted.
If you are interested in applying for the position of Thread Moderator, please ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed this policy and submit your application accordingly.
The Staff Team
The Pokémon Wiki discussions staff team consists of 9 users. They adhere to the staff policy and act as helpers of the community.
The wiki has 5 administrators, which should only be mentioned when in dire situations. They are, along with their time zones, stated below.
@I'm Piyush. (UTC+5:30 [IST])
@Ellis99 (UTC±0 [GMT])
@Gematarix (UTC-8 [PST])
@Kettlon (UTC±0 [GMT]) (Secretary, Community Administrative Council)
@ObsessionUnbound (UTC+11 [AEDT])
This wiki has 6 active thread moderators, who can be mentioned (@example) whenever there is an issue you think violates our community policy. They are, along with their time zone, stated below.
Thread Moderators:
@Crazy Keirra (UTC+5:30 [IST])
@TheHacktivist42 (UTC+5:30 [IST])
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon (UTC-6 [CST])
@Arcane Lightning (UTC-6 [CST])
@ShadowKitsune85 (UTC-6 [CST])
@Talking Gina (UTC+11 [AEDT])
Keep in mind that you should only ping an active one in a similar time zone to yours. This ensures you get the fastest action possible.
Anybody may run either a roleplay or a contest as long as they follow the rules stated in this post. If you would like to make one, please notify the staff team on this post and we will add you to the waiting list. As stated above, posting a roleplay or contest outside of staff approval will be violating our policy.
Roleplay hosted by @Ultra samurai200 (In progress)
Roleplay hosted by @VietnamMari0 (Has started. Signs up closed.)
Roleplay Waiting List:
Mission: ARC3US hosted by @SHARKB!TE (formerly @.electrify796 )
PMD roleplay hosted by @TheBears2964
DnD roleplay hosted by @Gohan yeast
NicktoonLover: Galar Courier // The Showdown Hosted by @NicktoonLover
Future Kalos rp hosted by @Ariana The Intellectual
Pigs' Omega Kool and Epik Type Swap Contest hosted by @ObsessionUnbound (Sign-ups closed, postponed)
Contest Waiting List:
Art Contest hosted by @Manish Singh2005
Contest hosted by @GasMaskBishop
Contest hosted by @FoxWithIrisesofBlue
This post will last indefinitely