Steelix isnt a [ROCK TYPE]
Charizard, Gyarados, Flygon, Goomy, all have incorrect typings imo.
Steelix is Onix with armour
In Charizard's case I understand why its not Fire. Dragon that would be the worst since no one will like the others. It is gonna be very OP.
samrott isn't a fighting type
If charizard was dragon/fire everyone would be pickin charmander as their starter lmao
Seadra (litterly Dra is in its name so you would think Seadra is a Water/Dragon type just like Kingdra) even his category (Horsea too) is Dragon. So the whole Horsea line Should been Water/Dragon
Yanmega not being Dragon type, Flygon not being Bug type, Psyduck and Golduck not being Psychic types, the whole Goomy line being pure Dragon...
I don't know if this is obvious, but Sudowoodo should be a grass type. Not a rock type. After's a tree.
Sudowoodo is a fake tree
Altaria is a dragon type, Charizard is not.
What do you think?