Winnie and her Pokémon friends decided to have a day-off and relax in the shady forest. Tepig, Lillipup and Cubchoo were playing around, when they suddenly heard a girl screaming.
"Durantttt! Be careful!!".
"Huh, what was that?" Winnie thought. "Tepig?" Tepig seemd concerned too. "Let's go see what's happening!" said Winnie. All of her Pokémon followed her through the forest, until they stopped at the bottom of a hill. A little girl was shouting and running around after a Heatmor. "What's going on here?" asked Winnie. The girl stopped for a moment and said, with tears rolling on her cheeks: "M-my D-d-durant... is b-being followed b-b-by t-that H-h-heatmor!". "Huh?! Oh, now I see! We'll help you out!" smiled Winnie. "R-really? T-thanks a lot!" the lilttle girl was starting to cheer up a bit already. "Go, Cubchoo! Use Frost Breath!" Winnie sent her new Pokémon to fight. Cubchoo started to blow very cold wind towards Heatmor. The Heatmor suddenly stopped running after Durant, now focusing more on Cubchoo. "Quick, call your Durant back!" said Winnie to the little girl. "Ok! Durant, return!". Durant was safe now, but Heatmor was angry. "Cubchoo, Blizzard! Now, Slash!". Cubchoo was performing all the attacks perfectly. That was a good thing, but Heatmor was getting more and more annoyed, until it attacked too. It used Fury Swipes. "Dodge it, Cubchoo, then use Icy Wind!". Cubchoo's Icy Wind didn't seem to affect Hetmor, as it was spitting fire all over. Then it used Fire Spin. "Oh no, this looks bad! Cubchoo, Endure!" said Winnie with a little confidence in her voice. Happily, Cubchoo didn't faint, but it was very weak. Winnie took a very deep breath, then said: "Cubchoo, try Brine!". As Cubchoo was really weakened, Brine was strong enough to make Heatmor faint. Winne smiled very joyfully: "Cubchoo, you did a great job out there! You were amaizing!". "Cub! Cubchoo!" Cubchoo was proud of itself too. "Now, go Pokéball!" Winnie threw a Pokéball at Heatmor. *Shake, shake... shake, shake... shake, shake...* After a lot of shakes and tension, the Pokéball stopped! "Yay, we caught Heatmor!" smiled Winnie. "Tepiiiig!" as always, Tepig was happy too. "Thanks for saving my Durant! Thank you very much!" said the little girl with a smile on her face. "My pleasure! I hope I'll see you around! Bye, take care!" said Winnie waving. "Byeee!" the girl said goodbye too.
Now, Winnie and her Pokémon are heading to Striaton City to earn their first badge. But, at the end of the day, what they really lerned is that that Winnie caught a quite high-level Cubchoo!
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