What was your strongest and favorite Pokemon you owned in that Game? No Legendaries, Mythics, or Event Pokemon.
Mine was a Level 87 Zigzagoon nicknamed Furball
It used:
I loved my entire team equally
What was your favorite aspect of the game? Mine was the return of the Hoenn Contests
I liked the contests as well, but I think I liked the delta episode better.
I wish the Delta Episode was longer. I beat it in just over 2 hours. I was trying to be fast.
Agreed. that would be awesome.
I may or may not have stolen my brother's Delta Episode Rayquaza.
I may or may not have caught Ray Qay Zay the Raquaza in a Master Ball, defeat Groudon both times he spawned, and destroy Deoxys for ever. And then, 3 years later, break my 3DS forever on accident.
Mine was a Linoone that I named Zag I used that was level 64 I think it’s been awhile since I played
She new:
What do you think?