Do you ever read a book, play a video game or watch a TV show and go "That character reminds me of ---." Well I'm gonna list all the times it happened to me with Pokemon
Clay (Wings of Fire) - So when I read Wings of Fire, It took me a little bit to realize, but Hau and Clay have a lot in common! They both wanna help save the world and live their dreams, but they are also super laid-back and fun loving!! They also have a close relationship with all of their friends.
Zuko (Avatar; The Last Airbender) - I just watched this show on Netflix, and It took me barely anytime at all to see what Pokemon Character He's like-
Started out evil
Became great friends with the protagonist
Had to betray their evil, abusive father
Group of people refer to him as "Lord"
E p i c h a i r
And they are the best written character in their franchise!! Guess what Pokemon Character he's like!!
Pearl and Marina (Splatoon) - I found this really cool, so i saw a fanart (I will post in Mixed Media if i can find it) Explaining how much in common these girls have in common with the Gym Leaders Nessa and Roxie. And i was freaked out! Marina is like Nessa because their designs are very similar, and I'm convinced shes a model. And Pearl is like Roxie because Pearl started out singing heavy metal and is s h o r t.
If you've found any other characters with similarities to pokemon characters, Comment Below!! See you tommorow everybody!!! - Got em TwT