Lol ash's.......Xd.
@Godzilla, but he is not fat... He is weak boy in battling and in strength.
True Pandu and Godzilla watch the words no name calling kk.
You're right I'm going to get an update be right back
Take all the time needed he can lift thing's that's for sure so he has strength that's for sure. So yeah.
Yeah he have that much strength to lift things..
He don't have strength
Oh then try checking some episodes then Godzilla?
He can lift Pikachu and so on including Squirtle Totodile Larvitar Taillow Treecko Aipom Gible Pidove Froakie Fletchinder Noibat Rowlet Rockruff & Cosmoem and you say he doesn't have any strength? well those pokemon say hello.
Mike I think you should lock this post so no further arguments will be done.
Kk consider it done Pandu by the way um way to go in Atlas post! You and Marlin are thee winner's congrats.
Now post locked.