Only one off-topic post is allowed to run in the entire community. This post only makes up a very small corner in the area and everyone is encouraged to frequent their daily activity on the other posts as well. If need be, Discussion Moderators may block users from the off-topic post and compel them to frequent other posts.
01. All the general rules must be followed in this post.
02. Sharing negative and heavy topics with other users, such as talking about suicides, is prohibited.
03. Abuse (human or animal) will not be tolerated. The users involved in sharing abusive images or related discussions will be blocked immediately.
04. Sharing links banned from FANDOM sites, unofficial apps, ROM hacks or participating in related discussions are strictly prohibited. Offenders will be met with a block.
05. Mild political talks are allowed. Religious discussions are strictly prohibited.
06. The promotion of irrelevant products/websites is strictly prohibited.
An offender will receive a ban from the off-topic post. Additional details can be found here.
If a user is overly active/breaks the rules on this post, they will be blocked from talking only on this post. Blocks may be lifted after a declared duration or after a period of time deemed necessary by the staff.
The Discussion Team will take action according to the aforementioned rules.
Overseeing Bureaucrats:
@I'm Piyush. (UTC+5:30 [IST])
@Ellis99 (UTC±0 [GMT])
Overseeing Administrators:
@Gematarix (UTC-8 [PST])
@Kettlon (UTC±0 [GMT])
@ObsessionUnbound (UTC+10 [AEST])
Thread Moderators:
@Crazy Keirra (UTC+5:30 [IST])
@TheHacktivist42 (UTC+5:30 [IST])
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon (UTC-6 [CST])
@Arcane Lightning (UTC-6 [CST])
@ShadowKitsune85 (UTC-6 [CST])
@Talking Gina (UTC+10 [AEST])
Active Global Discussions Moderators:
@Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin
Banned members:
@Kieran-Terapagos (Expires 9 Feb 2025) - Venting and general negative behavior.
@Smartyg4 - spamming and trolling.
@Turner Blackey - frequent political discussion, homophobia and inappropriate discussion.
Put your queries, suggestions, and complaints in this post.
Have fun!