Moderator Post. */Please upvote so everyone can see this./* Alright. So based on some comments on here earlier, most of you guys think that there isn't an age limit to be on here, but there is and I wanted to make this very clear. It's called COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). As said in that link above, you have to be at least 13 years old to have an account on Wikia. The admins of any wiki are not bound to enforce COPPA, only if they choose to, but it is for a Wikia Staff to disable any account that claims to be under the age of 13 immediately. It's also not required that we report them to Wikia Staff either. I have reported a couple of them to Staff myself. And I remember the last one I reported did NOT like me at all, but I didn't care. She was a real, and honestly, stupid brat (stupid because she created another account that was VERY similar to her former one and reported me to the admin of that wiki because she knew I was going to report her to Staff again if she came back). The main reason for this post is: if you are here on Wikia and are under the age of 13, it's best that you just leave Wikia do not come back until at least your 13th birthday. But if you choose to stay, if you don't want to be blocked, don't be an idiot and tell someone you're underaged. It's actually against ToU to ask any personal questions, including age. But you are free to give out your age if you wish to. But if you end up saying you're under the age of 13, don't be surprised if you get blocked. Also, for any one you who are under the age of 13 and say crap like "We didn't know there was an age limit" are clear liars. Mainly because Wikia does not allow you to register a username if the date you put in is less than 13 years ago. I know, I just tried it (though it doesn't tell you that specifically when you try). So don't tell me "you didn't know" because you would've had to have changed at least the year of the birthdate you provided to register, unless someone else, who was probably older enough to register, and should know better, created the username for you. Either way, whether you knew or not, you'll still be blocked/disabled. All in all, I just wanted to make everyone clear of what the Terms of Use for Wikia are in regards to age. So if you're reading this and are underaged, you've been warned. You shouldn't be on here at all, but if you are and don't want to be blocked/disabled, at least for being underaged, don't be an idiot and say so. Just because someone asks, doesn't mean you should tell them, which is one of the reasons for COPPA, because most children just are not responsible enough to be on the Internet.